Welcome to DSSE Research Group

DSSE (Distributed Systems & Software Engineering) Research Group is a research and development group of Institute of Information Technology, at the University of Dhaka , founded in 2012 with the goal of working as a central platform for the software engineering researchers of Bangladesh. Currently having more than 60 members, this group has already conducted research and development on around 25 different domains in software engineering and accumulated more than 70 publications (till June 2019) in reputed journals and conferences. Furthermore, the group is strongly focused on these research efforts and collaboration with the IT industries to build a solid foundation for the IT sector of Bangladesh. This group also holds some notable contributions in socio-technical research (e.g., Girls in ICT, Effects of Internship on Fresh Graduates) related to the IT sector of Bangladesh.

DSSE Research Group

Our work has been published in major conferences, journals and workshops in the areas of software engineering (ICSE, ICSME, APSEC, ENASE, SANER, SEKE).

We are grateful to IIT University of Dhaka, ICT Division, Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, UGC and BdREN for funding our research projects.

We love to collaborate with the software industries and we establish an industry-academia collaboration. We partnered with many renowned software firms like SELISE rockin’ software, Brain Station 23 , Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh (SRBD), and so on.

Recent News

[1st December 2020]

Toukir Ahammed presented his paper Understanding the Involvement of Developers in Missing Link Community Smell: An exploratory Study on Apache Projects in QuASoQ 2020 Workshop at 27th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2020)

[4th November 2020]

Congratulation!!! to Toukir Ahammed on his paper acceptance in QuASoQ 2020 Workshop at 27th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2020)

[3rd September 2020]

DSSE Research Group published a technical report entitled as Impact on the Productivity of Remotely Working IT Professionals of Bangladesh during the Coronavirus Disease 2019

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